Saturday, March 18, 2017

How To Properly "Group" Your Dirty Laundry Before Washing

As my mother has taught me, the "proper way" of "doing your laundry" is to at first make sure you "group together" your clothes in the appropriate piles as you put your dirty clothing in your laundry baskets.

For instance, TWO MAIN SECTIONS are focused:

1. Put clothing items that are starting from your "waist up" like shirts, dress shirts, jackets, coats, hats, scarfs, do-rags, arm bands together in "grouping" but then but all the clothing items in the "waist up group" into SEPARATE piles of 1. "whites/lights" clothing and 2. "colors/darks" clothing.

2. Put clothing items that are "waist down" like your blue jeans, jeans, dress pants, socks all together in "grouping" and then SEPARATE your clothing items from there into TWO PILES of 1. "whites/lights clothing and 2. "colors/darks" clothing piles.

After all your clothes have been "sorted out" the "right way" you are then ready to begin "washing your clothes" starting with the "waist up" laundry basket grouping being washed first before the "waist down" laundry basket grouping. Amen.

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