Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Create & Build Your Life Prioritization

Segment, prioritize ad adapt to every situation and challenge you work on in the time-based real world interaction.

You might not do what and how you would do something, but keep working on what's immediately important for you to do in your life.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Create & Build Your Life Bathroom Tip # 1

Flip the used wet side of a towel on its opposite side to allow to hang and dry.

Create & Build Your Life Dishwashing Tip # 1: Use Your Spoon Or Fork to First Put Away The "Clean" Dry And Moist Foods

Use your spoon or fork to scoop out the "clean" "dry" food like rice, pasta and grains and then the "moist" food like boiled cooked vegetables before using your spoon or fork to scoop out (spaghetti) sauces, cooked meat or any food that would "dirty" your spoon or fork (i.e. "kitchen utensils") so you do not have to use a second spoon, fork or any other kitchen utensil.