Sunday, December 7, 2014

Follow The Money

In this collapsing, faltering economy people are not spending money on "wants" like TVs, movies, videogames, cars, expensive furniture and houses like they used to.

People are spending their money (from working multiple low-income jobs to pay the rent or mortgage) on water, food, clothing and shelter.

Life today is all about SURVIVAL and if you are a particularly crafty entrepreneur you will put your time and effort on products and services that will fulfill people's daily living needs.

The resourceful entrepreneur may create some kind of local farming enterprise, water/heat energy fue generator service, home/shelter builder, well/water purification system, off-grid homesteading enterpriser, convenient all-natural healthcare services (for those with the credentials). Mortuary, burial and/or cremation service for people to be buried or "properly" put off somewhere in the proper, courteous social graces of Western Society's civilization.

Thought Note: There are 7 billion+ people on earth. If every one of them; most or many of them gave you a dollar you'd be one of the wealthiest people on earth...

How Your Blog Can SURVIVE

Carry around a small, portable paper notebook and a pen (or pencil though preferably a pen to avoid "smeared" pencil lead words on the paper pages...) and write down everything and anything (Christ-honoring) you think of in your personal random thoughts and ideas throughout the day to use for developing the content of your blog.

It does not matter if all your written-down thoughts are completely random and unorganized at first because when you make some spare time you can organize main ideas as blog post titles and then type out relevant, related sentences in the appropiate draft blog posts.

Just keep WRITING down ANYTHING you think of naturally and then do the organizing, re-writing and editting later.

When you start blogging only write when you feel you are inspired by God. Not because you feel like you “have to”.
Write meaningful, useful posts.
Nowadays everybody and they "momma" (yes, literally) is an “author of a blog or several”.
When it comes to “writing” to me there is no “write (i.e. “right”) way” of writing, lol.
I just write with a pen the words that come out of my mouth and mind that the Lord inspires me with and work from there… naturally…
Do NOT force yourself to write; let the pen do the work. You just sort out the words later  but don’t worry about “grammar”, correct “punctuation” or any of that stuff.
Writing is an art craft. You could create your own “language” if you wanted too (but only do what GOD WANTS YOU TO).
Not that proper writing skills is not important because proper writing skills IS IMPORTANT; it’s just that one could think of writing a blog as a “work of art”.
It may or may not be a masterpiece but it may be a free-forming work of art or any outlet of creative expression.
You just write as you feel the want, need or desire and the words come to life.

This... as this post serves... is a way for your blog to... SURVIVE.

Happy writings my friend(s)! :)

A "Real Life" Education

Learn practical, useful, tips, advice and strategies derived from personal experiecne for solving everday living life problems, conflicts, obstacles and challenges that show up in your life.

The solutions range from short-term "quick fixes", medium-range and long-term development strategies for creating and building a meaningful life lead in God's Will.

Simplify Your Life: The Power and FREEDOM You Gain From Living A Modest Life

When you simplify your life to having only your basic living necessities: water, food, clothing/shelter; you are more "mentally-free" from materialism and developing your lifestyle.

Create and Build Your Life will deal extensively with the subject of simple (Christian) living.

God does not want us to live any "higher life" than we have to in earthly mammon and riches; though He expects us to live humbly in contentment with having what we NEED.

Create & Build Your Life Tip: Dirt, Sand and Soil

Take a bucket with you to your local parks or beaches to dig and gather up dirt, sand or soil in your bucket to take for personal use at home.

Dirt and soil piles dug up by moles on the surface of the ground can be scooped up by a small hand shovel and poured into a planting soil/dirt bucket.

You can use all those fertile, fresh, dirt/sand piles moles dig up (repeatedly throughout) in your yard/field for your own personal gardening projects for the soil/dirt of your plants.

The rest of the dirt/soil that is left can be saved in buckets or sand bags to use for later when planting plants in the ground.

The remaining dirt/soil mound left on the ground from the moles can be stomped on and spreaded apart to flatten and fertilize the ground.

Create & Build Your Life Tip: Wood and Sticks

Gather together pieces of wood or sticks at your local recreational parks or beaches to use for firewood "tender" to help get your small fire burning.